moss glow  oil on canvas on found wood, 7.5x4.25x1.75” 2021

moss glow

oil on canvas on found wood, 7.5x4.25x1.75” 2021

 of memory of light  oil on canvas on found wood, 9x5.25x1.75” 2021

of memory of light

oil on canvas on found wood, 9x5.25x1.75” 2021

 moss glow  oil on canvas on found wood, 7.5x4.25x1.75” 2021
 of memory of light  oil on canvas on found wood, 9x5.25x1.75” 2021

moss glow

oil on canvas on found wood, 7.5x4.25x1.75” 2021

of memory of light

oil on canvas on found wood, 9x5.25x1.75” 2021

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